
Get Involved

We at Antioch Baptist Church want to meet the needs of the people and then share the love of Jesus with them. We do this through local mission projects and occasional international or USA trips. The goal of our ministry is for every member to have a vision for reaching our world for Christ.

Our purpose is Acts 1:8: “…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”

There is a place for you to get involved in what God is doing through Antioch Baptist Church. 

Samaritan’s Purse / Operation Christmas Child

Operations Christmas Child delivers joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to needy children around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes. For many, it is their first gift ever! 

Antioch collects quality toys, school supplies, and personal care items throughout the year to fill the shoeboxes. In early November, we pack the shoeboxes and have a special prayer time in our worship service for the children who will receive them. We also pray that their families and communities will be transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In 2022, Antioch packed 237 shoeboxes which will be sent to children around the world! 


LifeWorks is a non-profit organization located in Waynesville, NC. Lifeworks’ mission is to empower, encourage, and show the love of Jesus Christ to women who may be at a breaking point, just out of jail, tired of living in addiction, need a place to belong or are ready for a life change.

Antioch’s Selah Life Group has adopted LifeWorks and several of our ladies serve as mentors and teachers. We recently donated funds through our Missions giving to construct the kitchen below which is used daily.

There are multiple areas where volunteers are needed – from serving as life coaches to women in need, to preparing meals and driving women to doctor’s appointments. This is an exciting way for women to serve Christ. Many volunteers feel that their own lives are vastly enriched and nourished by giving back to God in this way.

Pray without ceasing. The most important thing you can do for LifeWorks is to take up the banner of prayer. The participants are taking a huge step for transformation and change that only comes from the Father.

Riverbend Elementary and Antioch

Antioch adopted Riverbend Elementary School in Clyde to help with the needs of students and teachers. 

We provide leaders and snacks for a Bible Club each Monday with an average of 35 students. We supply special meals and gifts for teachers, and occasionally, a duty-free lunch. In early August each year, our volunteers clean up the school grounds, wash exterior windows, and provide supplies for teachers and students.

We love our school!

Reach More Souls

Your prayers and donations help our ministries and impact lives every day. 


We’re eager to meet you!

Everyone is welcome at Antioch, whether you are new in the community, transferring from another church, or have never attended a church service.

Please contact us and we will be in touch.


2 Corinthians 9:6-7

“…Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”

This verse teaches that it is not only what we give, but the acceptable attitude with which we should give: willingly, generously and cheerfully.